Doubt is and has been a struggle since the beginning of mankind.
In fact, I am convinced that it was doubt that brought sin into the world. Back
in the Garden of Eden, God provided Adam and Eve with everything they needed and
more. Think about the most beautiful place you’ve ever been… stop. The beauty
that you just pictured must have been far less than the beauty that surrounded
man in the Garden God had created. God gave them everything except the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil. It could have been mere curiosity that led Eve
to that tree but just maybe, Eve looked at the tree, desired what the serpent
told her the tree would provide and then suddenly it happened. Eve doubted
God’s provision. Eve did not believe that God had her best intentions in mind
when he forbade her and Adam to eat from the tree. For doubt left unchecked,
can worsen into unbelief. And unbelief means we are no longer trusting Him.
You see, I
am just like Adam and Eve every day. Daily, I struggle with the fact that God
does not do what is best for me. That He is hiding what will truly make me
happy. Those lies, which I choose to think upon at times, are extremely far
from the truth. God not only always has
what’s best for me in mind but He also knows when to reveal it. So often we allow our doubt and unbelief to
fester in our minds up until the point where we explode. Our emotions hit a
wall and if you’re anything like me, you end up hurting someone with your
emotional outburst caused by personal problems of lack of trust towards Christ. This person is probably thoroughly confused by this point because 5
seconds ago, you were normal and all they did was kindly tell you it was time
to eat dinner, while you were in the middle of your favorite TV show. True
story. Don’t let it happen to you. But what if we brought our doubts to God BEFORE they turned into frustration. He is always there to listen to us but
we have to, in return, listen to him. He loves us enough to correct us when our
attitude is wrong, so be prepared for some possible loving correction (Rev.
3:9). Go to God with your worries and doubts and let him comfort you. He loves
you and knows what’s best for your life. Don’t bottle them all up inside you.
Christ knows that life is hard and that it is rarely "fair". But remember who He
is. Emmanuel. God with us. Hear His
sweet voice:
Trust me Child. I have
your ultimate good in mind.