April 15, 2013

Word of God written by Courtney Lane

What is the value of truth if it doesn't change you?
As Christians, we claim to believe in the infallibility and truth of the Word of God. However, do our claims align with our actions? You see, a belief in something does not equate to just a really strong feeling towards it, or just a particular way of thinking about a subject. A belief, by nature, is something you act on. For instance, that chair you're sitting in right now, you believed that the chair would hold you, therefore, you sat in it. In the same way, our response to God's Word should be two-fold, believing and doing. James 1:22 admonishes us to "be doers of the Word, and not hearers only." Knowing the Word of God and believing it as truth is important. However, if we stop there, we run the risk of arrogance, taking pride in our vast knowledge of the Word without actually applying what it says. Obedience must follow the knowledge of truth. In John 17, Jesus prays that believers would be sanctified in the Word of truth. This means that through His Word, God desires to make us into the image of Christ. As you study the Word of God, allow God's truth to transform your beliefs and your actions, so may continue to increase in the likeness of Christ.

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